control the formatting of numbers

control the formatting of numbers

To control the formatting of numbers, the simplest is to add a tab character (“\t”) after the descriptor text.  If the descriptor text fits within one tab, or 6-8 characters in length, then numbers should align.  If a more sophisticated alignment is needed for large variations in descriptor text, then let us know.  It would require a small loop to count text characters, versus a formatting array length, kind of thing.

Here is a spacing loop that can be called by CALL(Append_Spaces), user must define Max_Char, My_Text before calling:


LABEL: Append_Spaces

   Idx9                = Max_Char - My_Text.length()

   while (Idx9        >= 0)                   {

      My_Text         += " "                      // Append space




where Max_Char represents the spacing, and My_Text would be the data.

Upon return My_Text now has spaces appended.

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